
About the website

The content on this website should be accessible and usable for as many as possible. The purpose is to inspire people to visit Sweden’s national parks and to convey the value of nature conservation and protected nature.

The structure of the website

The content of the website is divided in two parts. There is a general part about all of Sweden’s national parks and a second part with 30 different pages, where each page is dedicated to a specific park. You can find the pages about the parks in the main menu under “Choose park” in the upper left corner of the website.

Each park has its own homepage with three sub-pages – national park facts, visitor information and information about activities and attractions in the park.


Each national park management is responsible publisher of the respective national park's part on the site. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for global parts of the site.

Change the look of the website adapts to work well whether you are visiting the site with your computer, mobile or tablet.  It also works well with all browsers. The website may look different depending on what browser you are using but all content on the site is still available.

Change the font size

If you experience that the font size of the website is too large or small you can easily change it by using the browser’s built-in functions. You will find the option to change the font size in the browser menu. In most modern browsers, the font size can be adjusted by holding down the Ctrl-key and by spinning the scroll wheel on the mouse. Adjusting the font size usually affects all the websites you are currently using.  


The website is built on the basis of the former Swedish E-delegationen’s (eGovernment) guidelines for web development. 

Read more at Webbriktlinjer (

Web Standards follows the latest HTML standards, which is currently HTML5. The website strives to achieve accessibility in WCAG 2.0 level AA and WAI ARIA, which are standard for describing advanced content to screen readers.


On the website, you will often find links to documents in different file formats. In order to read them it will often require additional software, in addition to your browser.

When you download documents in PDF-format (Portable Document Format), it is necessary that you have a program then can read the file format. A common program is Adobe Reader, which is free of charge.

Adobe Reader

A so called “plug-in” that you may need to access information on the website is Adobe Flash Player. The software enables movie playbacks, for example. This program is also free of charge to install on your computer.


The website may look different depending on what browser you are using but all content is still accessible. For the site to work for all users regardless of whether they are viewing it on a computer or mobile it is best experienced with a so-called JavaScript enabled. If you have an outdated browser or have shut off JavaScript, the site will bedisplayed in a simplified version. The simplified version prevents the content from becoming inaccessible.


Most of the photographs and illustrations on the website are protected by the photographer’s or illustrator's copyright. It is not allowed to use the images without permission.

Linking policy

Please feel free to link to but be aware that:

  • You may not use the website’s logos to link to our site. The reason for this is that we want to avoid confusion about who is responsible for the information on the website where the link is placed.
  • Links to may not be placed within the frameset of another website.

Feel free to contact us with your viewpoint

If you have any viewpoints regarding the website you can contact the Customer Service via: