It is easy to get to Stora Sjöfallet/Stuor Muorkke national park in comparison with sister parks Sarek and Padjelanta/Badjelánnda, which adjoin Stuor Muorkke. These national parks fit together, forming a contiguous alpine area.
The road through Stora Sjöfallet/Stuor Muorkke has the legendary name of “Vägen Västerut” (the Way West) and is a link connecting the entire alpine area.
Valuable and interesting areas
The national park encompasses the cosy Sáltoluokta area, the beautiful Dievssávággi valley, the majestic Áhkká massif and lots of other places well worth a visit. Read more under the “Seeing and Doing” heading. The region is considered so valuable and unique that both the nature and the Sami culture in the area are being preserved for the future.
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