Vantage points and mountains
See the Áhkká massif or take a trip to Gállaktjåhkkå.
About the activity
The view from the Áhkká massif
Her name signifies an older woman, but also a goddess. Áhkká is a holy mountain in solitary majesty on the southern side of the Áhkkájávrre artificial lake. You can see her from almost anywhere in the park, and from the peak the view is even better.
Day trip to Gállaktjåhkkå
Opposite Áhkká mountain is Stuor Muorkke’s other high peak, Gállaktjåhkkå. It makes for an excellent day trip. From the top you can see all the way to the Kebnekaise mountains in the north, out across the large Sjávnja nature reserve. If you turn around, the Sarek mountains rise in the south like a pearl necklace. The plain beneath the mountain has been used as a migratory route for a long time, and you will find natural rest areas people have crept into for a break.
The view towards Sarek and the Kebnekaise mountains
A trip up on Giergav affords views towards both the Sarek and Kebnekaise mountains in the north. Lulep Giergav, one of three Giergav peaks, means East Giergav. The name Giergav comes from the Sami word for cradle. Gierkav is surrounded by important reindeer grazing areas and old Sami cultural landscapes.
Panoramic view from the Vákkudavárre
Up from Vákkudavárre after Kungsleden (the King’s Trail), you get a sweeping panorama of the Sarek mountains’ snow-clad peaks and Áhkká, the Queen of Lapland, farther to the west. The path follows a ridge and is rather steep in places, but the climb up is well worth the effort, thanks to the fantastic view of the Laponia World Heritage Site.
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