Getting here
Djurö National Park is situated in the middle of Lake Vänern, Västra Götaland County. The best way to get to Djurö is by a privately owned or rented boat. The distance to the nearest Island is 8 km. To the mainland it’s 11 km.

It is easy to land along the northern and western shores, but not via the shallow waters to the east. Along the eastern and southern shores there are bird refuges to which access is forbidden during the nesting season, from April 1 to July 31 every year. There are several good natural harbours, of which the most frequently used is Malbergshamn on the north shore of Djurö Island, where there is an information display. A marked trail makes a circuit of the island.
As things now stand, there is no regular boat service to the islands. A park official can convey people to the islands who are going to stay overnight or spend the day in the park.
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