Here you find the contact information that helps you prepare for your visit in Padjelanta / Badjelánnda National Park.
Tourist Information
Jokkmokks Turistinformation
Västra Torggatan 11
962 85 Jokkmokk
- Phone: +46 971 222 50
- E-mail: info@destinationjokkmokk.se
- Website: www.jokkmokk.se/turism
Gällivare Turistcenter
Centralplan 4 (Railwaystation)
982 36 Gällivare
- Phone: +46 970 102 20
- E-mail: info@visitgallivare.se
- Website: www.visitgallivare.se
Questions about the management of Laponia, contact Laponiatjuottjudus.
Box 14
962 21 Jåhkåmåhkke/Jokkmokk
- Phone: +46 971 555 00
- E-mail: info@laponia.nu
- Laponia's website
- Instagram: Laponiatjuottjudus
- Facebook: Laponia World Heritage
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