Gotska Sandön National Park
Secluded paradise north of Fårö
Go on a day trip or stay overnight and experience sand dunes extending for miles, seals basking in the sun and abundant bird life.
About Gotska Sandön National ParkVisitor Information
Here, you will find everything you need to know before your visit to Gotska Sandön National Park. When it is best to visit the park, how to get there and the rules you will need to follow once you are there.
What to see and do in Gotska Sandön National Park
Sweden’s national parks offer experiences for young and old alike. Here, you can read about the wide variety of activities and sites which you can experience in Gotska Sandön National Park.
More experiences in Gotska Sandön National Park
Sweden's National Parks on Social Media
Follow Gotska Sandön National Park and Sweden’s national parks on Instagram: @gotskasandons.nationalpark @sveriges_nationalparker
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