About Åsnen National Park
Åsnen National Park covers an area of 1868 hectares and is located in the municipality of Alvesta and Tingsryd, bordering on the municipality of Växjö. 75 per cent of its area is made up of water.
You get an incredible sense of wilderness here, surrounded by ancient beech forest, an inland lake with everything from a hundred or so larger islands to tiny rocky islets, and rich plant and animal life can be seen everywhere you turn.
The forest in Bjurkärr (at the Sunnabron entrance) is very old and unspoilt, with a virgin forest feel. It is famous for its incredible species diversity, which includes lichens, fungi and insects that live on wood.
The mythical Trollberget – Troll Mountain – on the west side of Åsnen has some exciting forest hiking to offer, particularly for the youngest family members.
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