Safety and rules
Nature in Tyresta National Park lies open to you — but take good care of it. You can do so by following the rules that apply with all visits to the park.
As a visitor you may:
- pick berries and edible mushrooms
- take dogs into the park, but they must be leashed
- set up tents, but only at the prepared fire and rest places that are shown on the map; tenting permitted at the same place for one night until 10:00 am the following day
- arrange organised camping activities, but only at Stensjödal in consultation with Tyresta Forest Foundation
- arrange organised events with more than 10 participants, but only in consultation with Tyresta Forest Foundation; for school groups, consultation required when participants exceed 50
- ride bicycles, but only on the forest roads to lakes Långsjön and Stensjön
- light fires, but only at prepared fireplaces, where firewood is supplied; portable stoves are permitted outside the prepared fire and resting places.
Note: Fire ban sometimes issued due to high risk of forest fire; for current information, se the app "brandrisk ute" from MSB
…but you may not:
- pick flowers, mosses, lichens or wood fungi
- break off branches or fell trees
- injure or disturb wildlife
- catch fish
- to use any kind of boat on the lakes
- disturb other visitors by making loud noise
- set up tents outside designated fire and resting places
- conduct athletic events, including training and other organised competitions
- set up signs or marker ribbons
- ride or drive with horse and wagon
- operate motor vehicles
- operate drones at altitudes lower than 300 metres
- ride bicycles on trails or in the forest.
Tyresta National Park is surrounded by Tyresta Nature Reserve where other rules apply. In the reserve, you may for example pick flowers, cycle on roadways, fish with handgear along the coast, and tent anywhere up to two full days in accordance with the right of public access.
Many spruces have been infested by bark beetles. Other trees like aspen and other deciduous trees are favorite food for beavers. We urge visitors to be extra careful when it´s windy or after heavy snow falls.

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