The best accessibility areas are the national park entrances and the Metesjön rest area. Many of the hiking loops within the park are challenging due to the areas topography.
The national park has two entrances, the Main Entrance and the Entrance Vitsand. Both entrances have a high level of accessibility and include surface prepared picnic- and fire pit areas and accessibility ramps. The accessibility ramps are 60 – 100 meters in length and lead to viewing areas overlooking Östgötaviken (at the Main Entrance) and to a point in the lake at Entrance Vitsand.
A third high accessibility entrance is under construction at Ösjönäs that will be completed in September 2017 (accessibility will be limited during construction).
There are 9 different marked hiking loops in the national park. Each loop is marked with a different color and number. They vary in length from 0.9 – 9.5 kilometers. Most of the loops are hilly and are moderately to very challenging to hike. The easiest loop in the national park is Mellannäsrundan south of the Ösjönäs Entrance. The short Vitsandsrundan at the Vitsand Entrance and parts of the Junker Jägarerundan are also relatively easy to hike. A gravelled road leads up to Junker jägares sten.
Rest areas
In addition to the accessibility facilities offered at the entrances to the national park the Metesjön rest area also include a high level accessibility wind shelter, restroom, and fire pit. A 100-meter long compacted gravel road leads to the rest area from the designated disability parking lot on the main road

Trail Tärnekullerundan is marked with orange colour and 3 dots.
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