Fish for salmon trout, grayling, pike and pike-perch
The rapids by Gysinge, Sevedskvarn and Tyttbo are popular among anglers who want to fish for salmon trout and grayling.
About the activity
The calm waterways also offer enjoyable fishing, with excellent pike-perch and pike populations. Färnebofjärden is especially well-known for its large pike.
Gysinge rapids fishery conservation area
Fishing licences can be purchased at Brukshandeln in Gysinge at the fishing licence automat by the car park below PRO’s Folk High School in Gysinge. Download a fishing map for the Gysinge rapids.
Färnebofjärden fishery conservation area
Fishing licences for Färnebofjärden can be purchased at Brukshandeln in Gysinge and at Östa Camping.
For information about fishing in Färnebofjärden, click here.
Tyttbo is most well-known for its excellent fishing in the rapids. Parking is available in several places here, and on both sides of the rapids there are paths, windbreaks and fireplaces. At the Balforsen rapids there is a windbreak and outhouse that are accessible for the disabled as well as a paved fishing ramp.
You can purchase a fishing licence for Tyttbo on the Internet at svenskafiskevatten.se. There you can download a map that shows how to get to Tyttbo. You will find more information about Tyttbo at the Tyttbo Forsfiske's website.
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