Hiking trails
There are about 50 kilometers of hiking trails in the National Park. They stretch over the bog, along rocks and through forests. Here you can read about the trails before your visit.
About the activity
Walk across the pine forested sand dunes, known locally as “rocknar”, or through a deciduous cultural landscape. In the centre of the raised bog it’s like being on a deserted marsh in Lapland. We recomend to bring along sturdy hiking boots, it can also be very wet in some areas, depending on the weather.
1.6 km, 0.5 hours, forward and back. This trail is adapted for wheelchairs and visually impaired people.
At first the trail goes through mixed forest, which then changes to a swampy birch forest. It leads to a platform with benches and tables affording a view of Lake Kävsjön’s quagmire. There is a printed guide to pick up in a box where the trail starts.An audio guide for the trail is available in naturum Visitor´s Centre, free of charge.
Lake Kävsjön round trip
12 km, 4-5 hours
You can start from four different entrances: naturum, Kävsjö church, Svänö and Östra Rockne. If you start at naturum, you will find a printed guide in a box by the car park or ask for it in naturum. At Svänö there is a rest hut as well as a fireplace, drinking water and compost toilet. The trail passes mostly through forests and woods, with detours to bird observations towers.
3.6 km, 1.5 hours, adapted for wheelchairs.
The trail starts at the Östra Rockne car park next to road 151. There is a printed guide for the trail in a box at the start of the trail. By Lake Svartgölen there is a platform with tables and chairs. This place provides an authentic sense of wilderness, with cranes that trumpet, cautious wood sandpipers, birds of prey that hunt and in a hot day it is really nice to take a swim in the water.
Östra Rockne round trip
3.3 km, 1.5 hours
The trail is a combination of the Kävsjö round trip and the trail Svartgölsleden. It passes mostly through forest and is a short version with an opportunity to venture out on the raised bog to Lake Svartgölen. On the western side you pass a small pool with a bench where you can enjoy the dragonflies.
Trail Gungflyleden links the trail Wibecksleden with Östra Rockne parking. The entire trail across the quagmire rests on poles that are from 3 to 5 metres long and pushed down through the sludge to firm ground. The board walk is three boards wide, so walking on it is easy, and there are several benches set out for those who want to rest or enjoy the view.
3 km, 1.5 hours
At Häradsö, you enter the small road in towards Hagen. A parking place is situated on the left next to a barn. The first part of the trail is outside the National Park. Once in the park the trail follows the old Lake Häradsösjön shoreline. The slope between the raised bog and the remnants of the lake is rather steep. In the lake both cranes and whooper swans nest. At the end of the trail there is a platform with a view of both the lake and the raised bog.
Lilla Lövö round trip and Kittlakull – Lövö
Both trails are 6 km, 2 hours
The trail starts by the foot bridge across the railway next to Kittlakull. On this walk you will experience the untouched raised bog. There is a sense of wilderness and wide open spaces, well visible from the top of the bridge. A printed guide to the Lilla Lövö round trip trail is found in a box where the stairs across the railway begin. Halfway where the trail turns at Lilla Lövö you will experience lots of tree fungi, lichens and insects in the storm ridden forest. Because of all the insects available, the bird life flourishes. At Lövö you find fire places, drinking water and compost toilettes. Lövö is also used as a hostel.
Lövö round trip
3.6 km, 1 hour
The trail passes through the hilly forest landscape entirely on firm ground.
Lövö – Andersberg
7 km, 2.5 hours
Follow the trail eastward from Lövö through the pastures. Take the opportunity to climb up in the bird watching tower at Hagudden just before the bog begins. In early spring you can both see and hear the sounds of the mating black grouse bubbling away from the open mire. Continue and you will come to the wet Blådöpet, (the bottomless dark opening in the swamp.The trail continues south on the edge of the bog towards Lake Herrestadsjön and Björnekullakärret fen. It ends at the car park in Andersberg.
Blådöpet round trip
5.2 km, 1.5 hours
Start at Lövö, heading towards Andersberg. But after Blådöpet turn right through the swampy forest. You will end up on the gravel road going towards Lövö.
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