Contact us
Here you find contact information that helps you prepare for your visit in Store Mosse national park.
Naturum Visitor Centre
- Postal address: Store Mosse Nationalpark, 335 74 Hillerstorp.
- Phone: +46 10 223 61 30
- E-mail: storemosse@lansstyrelsen.se
Carina Härlin
Manager, naturum
- Phone: +46 10 223 63 95
- E-mail: carina.harlin@lansstyrelsen.se
Fredrik Olsson
Guide, naturum
- Phone:+46 10-223 63 84
- Email: fredrik.f.olsson@lansstyrelsen.se
Park Management
Johanna Ahl
National Park Manager
- Phone: +46 10-223 63 85
- E-post: johanna.ahl@lansstyrelsen.se
Peder Gustavsson
National Park Manager
- Phone: +46 10 223 63 82
- E-mail: peder.gustafsson@lansstyrelsen.se
Ida Johansson
National Park Manager
- Telefon: +46 10 223 64 71
- E-post: ida.f.johansson@lansstyrelsen.se
Tourist Offices in the area
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