Getting here
Naturum visitor centre and the main entrance to the National Park is located along road 151 between Värnamo and Gnosjö 17 kilometres from Värnamo. It is well sign posted from High way E4 and road 26.

GPS to naturum Visitor Centre
N 6351304,46, E 435485,47
The north-south main line to Alvesta. Change to the east-west Kalmar-Värnamo-Gothenburg line, which goes straight through the National Park. Disembarking at Värnamo or Gnosjö and continue with bus.
Bus 242 between Värnamo and Gnosjö, stops at the main entrance at bus stop "Store Mosse Nationalpark". (For more bus information, call +46 (0)771-444 333.
The trails in the National Park are also open for cyclists, but please give way to hikers.
The bike path between Värnamo and Hillerstorp is shown on the map on the homepage of Store Mosse national park, marked as "Store Mosseleden".
From Värnamo
It is possible to cycle all the way from Värnamo to Hillerstorp without using road 151. The path goes along a smaller road trafficed by cars from Värmano to Häding by, and from there to naturum there is a cycling path.
From Hillerstorp
From Hillerstorp, there are signs showing the cycling path to Store Mosse through Kävsjö. From Kävsjö, the path goes along the "Kävsjön runt" trail, in the direction of naturum. You arrive at the main parkinglot (right outside naturum).
Shuttle from Hillerstorp to Naturum
Shuttle to Naturum, Svänö or Lövö for maximum 6 persons per tour
Bookable from Varnamo station to Naturum = €30
Bookable from Värnamo station to Svänö or Lövö = €50
Bookable from Gnosjö station to Naturum = €30
Bookable from Gnosjö station to Svänö or Lövö = €40
*The prices are the same even if you want to go in the opposite direction.
Cash in SEK or Euro & bank payment (ask for accountdetails on info@vandramedandre.se)
Contact André at
E-post: info@vandramedandre.se
Tel: +46 (0) 72 227 78 22
From E4 south: exit 85. From E4 north: exit 87. From road 26, exit towards Gnosjö, Värnamo at Hestra. The National Park’s other entrances are easy to reach from all directions. Roads in the park are open to the public.
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